Hi Ladies - this is a question posed from our Wellbeing for Wise Women event on Thursday. Many thanks.
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This is such an important area and as Penny explained on Thursday we rarely speak openly about vulval and vaginal symptoms. In terms of vaginal lubrication there are products that can be used purely for lubrication but also products that can be used regularly internally for vaginal dryness with or without vaginal oestrogen products.
We recommend non perfumed products and both YES and Replens are regularly recommended by health care professionals.
In terms of external vulval care, again using a non perfumed emollient (moisturiser) either cream, lotion or oitment can help to moitruise and also create a protective barrier and these can be used in the shower to wash with or just as a moisturiser.
It is always important with new or changing symptoms that you get this checked with an examination by an experienced health care professional to determine and explain why you have the symptoms, what specific treatment you may require or benefit from and to rule out any significant problems.
There is also an excellent patient information leaflet on how to care for your vulval by the British Assocaition of Dermatologists at the link below: