Ask Wise Women is a forum offering free advice on a range of topics. It is available to anyone who needs expert information on a wide range of subjects provided by our faculty - simply login to ask a question.
How it works: Post a query to our forum and it will be directed to the appropriate member(s) of our faculty of experts who will answer it as quickly and clearly as possible. Your enquiry and response will be visible to other visitors to the forum to bring our faculty’s wisdom to a wider audience. Should you wish to make an appointment with one of our faculty, this can be arranged subject to the faculty member’s availability.
Please note, your profile is set to "public" automatically when you sign up to Ask Wise Women. To remain anonymous, go to your Account, scroll down to Profile Visibility and change your profile to private. You can also edit your account image, or include only a first name or nickname.

We want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these terms and conditions
1. Ask Wise Women is designed to help people looking for some advice and clarity about issues where this may be needed.
2. Advice offered by Ask Wise Women is by necessity general and not necessarily applicable to a particular individual.
3. Where person-specific advice is sought, some of our Wise Women offer private consultation, online or in person, as appropriate.
4. On-line advice offered by Ask Wise Women is not as an alternative to seeking personalised advice from your own doctor, solicitor, financial advisor or other professional.
5. Details which may reveal the personal identity of the enquirer or anyone referred to within the enquiry should not be included within the enquiry. Please note: You need to signup as a member to post, via Facebook, Google or email. Your profile is set to "public" automatically when you sign up to Ask Wise Women. To remain anonymous, go to your Account, scroll down to "Profile Visibility" and change your profile to private. You can edit this section to change your account image, or include only a first name or nickname.
6. Offensive content will not be tolerated and messages of this nature will be deleted. Keep posts relevant to the forum topic and no spamming.
7. Ask Wise Women takes no legal responsibility for advice posted by faculty members.